Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Somewhere Bruce Lipton is laughing...and/or crying

Or maybe a combination of hysterical laughing/crying...
Here is an article, released today, that essentially says what cellular biologist Bruce Lipton has been saying for years: our genes are not the primary controllers of our destiny, but are themselves controlled by signals from the environment: i.e. what we eat, what we think, how we move, etc... But OF COURSE they HAVE to mention the great new drug therapies they can come up with to exploit this research, blah blah blah. Yes, it makes perfect sense in one sentence to say that our genes are controlled by "what we eat or how active we are", and in the next sentence to say that this can possibly be the basis for a revolutionary new drug treatment...

Dynamic Changes In DNA Linked To Human Diabetes

ScienceDaily (2009-09-02) -- New research may give new meaning to the adage "You are what you eat." The DNA isolated from the muscles of people with diabetes bears chemical marks not found in those who respond normally to rising blood sugar levels, according to the study. The epigenetic marks in question are specifically found on a gene that controls the amount of fuel, in the form of glucose or lipids, that cells burn.

Select quotes from article (italics added):
--"Those changes rapidly reprogram the gene's activity without altering the underlying DNA sequence at all. They suggest a way that environmental factors—what we eat or how active we are—may perhaps influence our genes, for better or for worse."
{Wow! What does this mean for the billions spent on the human genome project?}

--"It's a much more dynamic process than we thought," Zierath said. "The genetic causes of diabetes are important, but this shows us that epigenetic changes, which take place on top of our genes, can alter our physiology in critical ways."
{Yay! Keep going!}

----"The researchers say they don't yet know whether these epigenetic changes are reversible, but they do have evidence that they might be prevented."
{Prevention? Really?}

--"In a broader sense, the discovery shows that we are not "victims of our genes," she adds. "It's exciting because there may be ways for us to lower disease risk if physical activity or other lifestyle factors can positively influence our epigenome and improve metabolism."
{ How brave to admit this in public! Tell us more!}

--"There's room for this in terms of drug discovery," Zierath said.

Um... why not focus on changing the "signals from the environment?"
Just a thought...

Friday, August 28, 2009

CLRT explained by Vibrational Biophysics Lecture

This slideshow from Michael Soloman Morgan does a great job of laying the
groundwork for the fundamental scientific basis of CLRT.
Yes it is lengthy, but equal parts delicious and nutritious.
He brings together all of energy medicine's greatest hits:
biophotons, frequencies, the crystalline living matrix,
wave theory of information and biological laser theory. Dig it.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New Biophoton Study in PLoS

Imaging of Ultraweak Spontaneous Photon Emission from Human Body Displaying Diurnal Rhythm

Department of Electronics and Intelligent Systems, Tohoku Institute of Technology, Sendai, Japan, 2 Department of Systems Biology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto, Japan, 3 Department of Brain Science, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine, Kobe, Japan


The human body literally glimmers. The intensity of the light emitted by the body is 1000 times lower than the sensitivity of our naked eyes. Ultraweak photon emission is known as the energy released as light through the changes in energy metabolism. We successfully imaged the diurnal change of this ultraweak photon emission with an improved highly sensitive imaging system using cryogenic charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. We found that the human body directly and rhythmically emits light. The diurnal changes in photon emission might be linked to changes in energy metabolism.

Interesting quotes from article:

  • In all images, photon emission intensity from the face was higher than from the body. Moreover, photon emission intensity from the face was not homogeneous: the central area around the mouth and the cheeks was higher than the lateral area and the orbits. Furthermore, the photon emission intensity on the face and upper body appeared to display time-dependent changes. 
  • Ultraweak biophoton emission was completely different from thermographic images showing surface temperature (Fig.1I). High photon emission were detected from the cheeks, followed by the upper neck and the forehead, while high temperature was detected in the supraclavicular lateral neck region, from which photon emission was low. 
  • No significant correlation of daily photon intensity and temperature was found, and the dissimilarity between photon emission and thermal image suggest that the diurnal rhythm of photon emission is not a consequence of a change of temperature or microcirculation.

Link to full article:

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

CLRT reduces Sciatica by 90% in about 90 seconds!

This is a cool case I had a few months ago.

"J", a 36 year old African American male and former college basketball player, presented in my office with severe sciatica, rated 9/10, after an accident at work three nights before. He had been driving a front-end loader around the warehouse where he works, and ended up driving it into a 3 foot ditch because of poor visibility. Immediately after this sudden drop and jolt, he felt severe pain shooting from his low back all the way down his right leg to his big toe, and from that point on, he was unable to walk upright at all. He got no relief from sitting, lying down, OTC meds, or the Lortabs prescribed by the company medical doctor. He was set to see an orthopedist in three weeks (!) as the worker's comp process dictated, but "J" decided to come see me first as I had previously helped him get rid of his migraines.

Upon chiropractic, orthopedic and neurological examination, "J" had all the "usual" positive findings of sciatica-- twisted/posterior L5 on X-ray, extreme tenderness, edema and heat in lumbosacral junction, decreased sensation in calf area, positive straight leg raiser test, positive Braggard's, Valsalva's and Kemp's Tests, absent Achilles DTR, inability to squat and rise, etc-- all in all, it was certainly not looking good for his L5/S1 disc.

Now I am certainly not squeamish at all about adjusting around hot discs-- I do it all the time, although carefully and specifically, mind you-- but I knew I better do something to quiet this down first before I go jumping on L5 from P to A with the drop piece. Soooo, I placed some SOT blocks under his hips to to elevate the pelvis slightly, and began to palpate for the L5 cranial reflex point on the top of his head. I immediately found a relatively massive depression in the space between the L5 and the S1 reflex points (the disc point?!?!) which was extremely tender to even a light touch. I pulled out my trusty pocket red laser (200mW) and began to light up this spot.

After a few seconds, his breathing slowed down significantly and I could see that the lower back muscles were not guarding nearly as much. After half a minute or so, I stopped, re-palpated the cranial depression, and "J" reported that the tenderness was about 50% better. I rechecked his lumbar spine for tenderness over L5, and he reported this was also about 50% better. Not bad for 30 seconds. So I went back to lasering the L5 point, but on a hunch, I switched to my 30mW green laser for its calming effect. Another 30 seconds of this, and then some quick passes on the gastroc, soleus, psoas and QL cranial reflex pathways for another 30 seconds,... and I got him up on his feet.

It was obvious something was different. For one, he was smiling. For another, he was able to stand fully upright, not bent over at the waist anymore. On his own, he squatted down and came up instantly. This too was very different than before. He actually jumped in the air a couple of times, landing on his toes. "Hold on there, fella. Just wait a second before you go doing all that..." I said. "But the pain is gone, Doc."
"Gone?" I was a little surprised... I mean I knew it would work, I just didn't know how well.

"Well 90% anyways." He reported all the sensation had returned in his legs and feet and now just his low back was "a little sore." I had him walk around the office for a bit to see if it quickly returned. It did not.

So I got him back on the table, rechecked all the ortho/neuro tests, which were now negative, gave him some easy adjustments with the drop table (mostly out of habit) and sent him on his way. When I saw him again in 3 days, he reported remaining about 90% better. I monitored him twice a week for the next 3 weeks and even with his 12 hour shifts of heavy lifting in the warehouse, he only reported some soreness and stiffness in his low back through this period--no sciatica, radiculopathy or neurological symptoms of any kind. And "J" had missed only one day of work.

A few days after his appointment with the orthopedist, I got a sciatica referral from that group.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

London Calling... for CLRT!

It's official! This fall we'll be translating the CLRT manual into... English!

The first international seminar on CLRT featuring Dr. Nick Wise will be held at the London Gatwick Hilton on Saturday, October 24th, 2009. Cost is £120 and the 7 hours will contribute to CPD points. There will be some great specials on my advanced kit and lasers at the seminar, so sign up quickly as seating is limited. Keep your mince pies peeled for more details coming soon!

For registration and more info, contact Gill Jacobs at


Reduction of musculoskeletal pain with Cranial Laser Reflex Technique (CLRT): A randomized controlled trial using pressure algometry

Nicholas A. Wise, D.C.

Background: Cranial Laser Reflex Technique (CLRT) is a novel method for reducing musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction, involving a brief laser stimulation of a specific cranial reflex point. Every major muscle group and each spinal segment has a corresponding cranial reflex point or line that appears to be linked to its tensional/ positional information. These make up a powerful cranial microsystem that is little known outside of a small segment of the chiropractic profession.

Objective: To compare the short-term effects of CLRT on painful musculoskeletal points with those of a sham treatment using pressure algometry. 

Design: Double-blinded randomized-controlled trial. 

Methods: 57 volunteers with various musculoskeletal pains gave informed consent and were randomly allocated to either the CLRT treatment or sham group. Painful trigger points and/or tender spinal joints were found in each patient, and using a digital algometer, the pain/pressure threshold (PPT) was determined and a pain rating was given using a numerical pain scale from 0-10. CLRT or sham CLRT was performed with a 40 mW, 840nm laser, for a maximum of 60 seconds to the appropriate cranial reflex(es). The initial pressure (PPT) was immediately delivered to the same spot, and the pain rated again.

Results: There was a statistically significant difference in pain scores between CLRT and sham groups immediately following treatment. There was some improvement reported in 95% of the treatment group, with 59% reporting a change of 2 points or higher. In the control group, 18% reported an improvement, none of them greater than 1 point. The average change in pain scores in the treatment group was 2.6 points (p = 0.000), while the average improvement in the control group was 0.037 points (p = 0.4). The rest of the controls reported no change or a slight worsening on re-testing. Since the mean starting pain rating was 5.4, a decrease of 2.6 represents a 48% decrease in pain.

Conclusion: CLRT is an effective short-term treatment for musculoskeletal pain. Future studies will be needed to show efficacy over longer periods of time, as well as the effect on additional outcome measurements, like range of motion, quality of life, and EMG measurements of muscle tone.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Final Frontier

We are fully in summertime-mode here at the Wise Estate in beautiful Spartanburg, SC: the dogs are lazy, the fish are jumping and the...well, the humidity is high. I am glad to report that there are some massive new developments from the Cranial Laser lab coming down the pipeline soon. Although I can't spill all the beans yet, let's just say that I may have to change the name of the technique again, from "Cranial" to "Brainial..."

That's right folks. Having conquered neuromusculoskeletal pain and dysfunction with the first two cranial maps, I am currently working on the CLRT protocols for the more esoteric forms of human suffering. That's right, we're going straight to the brain to treat the hard stuff, like depression, anxiety, chronic stress, ADHD, addiction, guilt, emotional trauma, etc... Uh huh. This is big, real big...  And the coolest part is that there are hundreds of very reputable neurophys labs out there doing the hard work for me, mapping the neural correlates of every emotional/mental state with fMRI's and PET scans and the like. Scientists like Dr. Tor Wager and the Columbia University Neurophys team have, for all intents and purposes, mapped the emotional brain, identifying which cortical and medullary structures and networks are most involved (and potentially out of sync) when someone is stuck in a negative mental state like depression or addiction.  (Yes, I know it is rather simplistic and mechanistic to say that something as complex as an emotion can be reduced down to a single brain area or group of areas, but there is a ton of very strong evidence that supports at least a major connection to these areas.) I say, let's use this knowledge to our advantage to help mankind.

So...having a non-invasive method of directly reaching these brain areas and bathing them with healing laser light? That's a good thing. And perhaps pulsing the laser with the specific frequencies that are associated with normal amygdala function to restore coherence, or the frequencies of serotonin or dopamine release? Also good. Perhaps even super-awesome. The preliminary results I have been getting in my office point to super-awesome, but we'll see soon enough. Once I get my mail-order Chinese fMRI unit installed in my garage, I shall be unstoppable!

Stay tuned.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Even though I have come to expect the miraculous in most cases,  I still get amazed at the results possible with CLRT sometimes. For instance, the other day a man came in to the office after slipping and falling on ice 3 times in the space of an hour. (We had a freakish snowstorm last weekend, dropping several inches of snow which melted and froze overnight into a layer of ice everywhere.) He was shovelling snow when he fell, and the last fall was hard, straight on to his left front ribcage. His pain was very sharp and focused-- rated 10/10 on the pain scale-- and he was having difficulty taking any breath. Of course this quacked just like broken ribs, but he had seen his MD for a chest X-Ray the day before and was told nothing was broken. 

Now I know better than to rely solely on an X-ray to diagnose rib fractures, so I did the tuning fork test on him and sure enough, he jumped like crazy when the vibrating fork was placed on ribs 7 and 8. I thought they were cracked for sure. So as far as treatment goes, what to do? An adjustment was out of the question at this time, so I knew CLRT was the best bet at offering this fellow any relief at all.

So I palpated along the line of Cranial Reflexes for the ribs on the left side, and sure enough, when I got to the spots for rib 7 and 8, I felt a depression, a gap in the suture, and he winced when I applied a little pressure there with my thumb. After lasering this area for 30 seconds, I asked him take another deep breath, ... and this time, immediately, he was able to draw in a full breath with no pain until the very end-- a considerable and very noticeable improvement. His eyes got wide and he asked, "What did you DO?"

His pain level at that point was a 5/10 and stayed that way for 2 days, when he aggrevated it turning over in bed. When he came in again, I repeated the cranial laser treatment and the same results happened: an immediate reduction in pain to the tune of about 50% and much better breathing. And by the way, his MD had called him the day before saying that, yes his ribs were indeed cracked. Score one for the tuning fork.

So I am becoming convinced that it doesn't matter much what the source of the pain is: it could be acute or chronic,  caused by soft tissue, subluxations, neuropathy, inflammation, fractures, you name it... in my experience, CLRT will reduce it. Sometimes a little, most of the time a lot.

Just remember, it IS all in your head.

Friday, February 20, 2009

So the story goes like this: electrical and chemical interactions are far too slow to account for the speed of information flow in the human body. A cellular communication system based on light however delivers the tremendous amount of processing power  and flexibility needed to run such a complex system. Our information biofield, our biohologram, is projected by our DNA molecules as they change shape. The springy DNA coil winds or unwinds due to signals from the environment (see Bruce Lipton PhD), and this conformational change squeezes out single-photon "laser beams" which carry vibrationally encoded information easily decoded by the recieving cells.

These photons travel through the body's fiber-optic cables, which are made up of optically transparent microtubules, which collectively form the classical acupuncture meridian system. The information that the photons carry is vibrational, which the recieving cell Fourier transforms into relevant information. 

Here's some choice selections from a few research articles that support my particular worldview. The first two are by one of my fave scientists, Fritz-Albert Popp and his crew at the Institute for Biophysics.

Biophoton emission. New evidence for coherence and DNA as source.

Popp FA, Nagl W, Li KH, Scholz W, Weingärtner O, Wolf R. 
  • We obtained evidence that the light has a high degree of coherence because of (1) its photon count statistics, (2) its spectral distribution, (3) its decay behavior after exposure to light illumination, and (4) its transparency through optically thick materials.
  • Moreover, DNA is apparently at least an important source, since conformational changes induced with ethidium bromide in vivo are clearly reflected by changes of the photon emission of cells.
  • The physical properties of the radiation are described, taking DNA as an exciplex laser system, where a stable state can be reached far from thermal equilibrium at threshold.

Here's another from Popp, et al:

Biophoton emission of human body.
Cohen S, Popp FA.

International Institute of Biophysics, Biophoton Research, Station Hombroich, Kapellener Strasse, D-41472 Neuss, Germany.

For the first time systematic measurements of the "ultraweak" photon emission of the human body (biophotons) have been performed by means of a photon detector device set up in darkness. About 200 persons have been investigated. In a particular case one person has been examined daily over several months. It turned out that this biophoton emission reflects,

  • (i) the left-right symmetry of the human body;
  • (ii) biological rhythms such as 14 days, 1 month, 3 months and 9 months;
  • (iii) disease in terms of broken symmetry between left and right side; and
  • (iv) light channels in the body, which regulate energy and information transfer between different parts.
  • The results show that besides a deeper understanding of health, disease and body field, this method provides a new powerful tool of non-invasive medical diagnosis in terms of basic regulatory functions of the body.

Personally, I am very interested in the "light channels" they speak of. Acupuncture meridians and Cranial reflex pathways are undoubtedly similar in nature and are some of these channels. Here's another little neat little blurb...

Light-mediated "conversation" among microorganisms.
Trushin MV.

Kazan Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Lobachevskiy str. 2/31, P.O. Box 30, Kazan 420111, Russia.

Light emitted from a wide variety of microorganisms was considered previously as a waste product. However, it is becoming apparent that it might be involved in microbial communication. This paper presents information on such a novel mode of communication in different microorganisms.

And lastly, my favorite. The title says it all...

Biophotons, microtubules and CNS: is our brain a "holographic computer"?
Grass F, Klima H, Kasper S.

Departement of General Psychiatry, University of Vienna, 1090 Waehringer Gürtel 18-20, Austria.

Several experiments show that there is a cell to cell communication by light in different cell types. This article describes theoretical mechanisms and subcellular structures that could be involved in this phenomenon. Special consideration is given to the nervous system, since it would have excellent conditions for such mechanisms. Neurons are large colourless cells with wide arborisations, have an active metabolism generating photons, contain little pigment, and have a prominent cytoskeleton consisting of hollow microtubules. As brain and spinal cord are protected from environmental light by bone and connective tissue, the signal to noise ratio should be high for photons as signal. Fluorescent and absorbing substances should interfere with such a communication system. Of all biogenic amines, nature has chosen the ones with the strongest fluorescence as neurotransmitters for mood reactions: serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. If these mechanisms are of relevance our brain would have to be looked upon as a "holographic computer.”

Boo ya.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cranial Laser Research Update

Here is the third article I have found by Wedlock, et al that supports cranial laser treatment as being very effective for pain relief. The other two studies proved that laser irradiation of the cortex induces pain relief by release of opioid peptides. CLRT takes advantage of this effect, but in a highly specific, predictable manner. Enjoy.

Analgesic effects of cranial laser treatment in two rat nociception models

P. Wedlock, R. A. Shephard, , C. Little and F. McBurney

a Department of Psychology, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, N. Ireland, BT37 0QB, UK

b Physiotherapy, University of Ulster at Jordanstown, Newtownabbey, N. Ireland, BT37 0QB, UK

The present experiments sought to establish dose dependency and time course for effects of cranial laser irradiation in two rodent models of pain. These were the hot plate and tail flick tests, which are both widely used to quantify analgesic drug effects. The laser used was an Omega Biotherapy 3ML (wavelength 820 nM, average power output 100 mW, pulse frequency 5 kHz) and irradiation was applied to rats' shaved heads above the midbrain. In the first experiment, four groups of 10 rats received doses of 0, 6, 12, 18, and 24 J/cm2 in random orders prior to hot plate testing either immediately, 30 min, 1 h or 24 h postlaser. The second study employed three groups of 10 rats receiving 0, 12, and 18 J/cm2 in random orders prior to tail flick testing at the three shorter times above. Latency to lick hind paws on the hot plate was highly significantly prolonged by laser treatment across all doses and time periods, F(4, 126) = 4.51, p < 0.01. There was good dose dependency for immediate observations, but at 24 h 18 J/cm2 was the most effective dose. Laser treatment also delayed tail flick responses at both doses and all time periods, F(2, 54) = 10.60, p < 0.001, but 12 and 18 J.cm2 doses were similar in efficacy.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

CLRT Name issues

Yeahh, um, you might notice that sometimes the CLRT name has the word "Release" in it, othertimes it says "Reflex..." Do not be confused, it is still the same lovely original cranial laser technique. When I was first trying to come up with a name for this thing, I thought I had done my due diligence in researching every possible combination of these words... but, as I later found out, there was already a spinoff of the BioCranial Technique called "Cranial Release Technique" in existence. Yikes. And they even used the same font I had chosen for my first logo. Double yikes.

So I'm officially changing the name to "Reflex" to keep the same initials and avoid any confusion with CRT. So that's that cleared up. But what about the confusingly titled "Cranial Laser Release and Neurolymphatic Technique," or CLRNT that some of you have asked me about? Weeellll, that's something different.  Basically, a ripoff/spinoff/repackaging of my book with one extra chart of Neurolymphatic points, but otherwise pretty much the same exact thing. Minus the original thought. But hey, I'm over the anger part now... looking at the bright side, being ripped off already lets me know I'm on to something big here...

Inaugural Blog

2009 is going to be an exciting year, people! The CLRT juggernaut is building momentum, as there are now over 150 docs around the world utilizing this technique. In addition to docs all over the US, we now have one practitioner in the Netherlands, several in Australia and the UK, a handful in Canada, one in Sweden, 2 in Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, and a few other far off places. Not a bad start for a couple of homemade youtube videos. So far, most of the feedback has been awesome, but a few people have had some questions or problems getting consistent results, so I will be using this blog to answer some questions and post video tutorials for our members. I'm also going to be announcing the launch of the live  seminar series soon, so look out for that.

Confirmed dates for live seminars in 2009 are:

--6 hours at the Hawaii State Chiropractic Convention in Honolulu, March 21

--and 6-12 hours (not sure yet) at the South Carolina Chiropractic Association Convention in Myrtle Beach in August.

More to come.